4 Column Wordpress Templates

Beauty Magazine Wordpress Template

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Beauty Magazine wordpress template is a nice pink somewhat girly WP design. It is geared towards advertizing as there are quite a few ad space placeholders. Four are located just below the header – each of them accepts a small snippet of text and an image. 4 advertisment banners are placed on the right sidebar (the first of two) in dimensions 125 x 125 pixels. The header features a pink silhuette graphic of a woman. This entire wordpress skin is a mixutre of shades of pink. Everything is either pinkish or white. Top of the main content area shows the latest article, below it are excerpts of the previous posts two by two per each column. Beauty Magazine wordpress theme was designed by Themes Junction.

Cellar Heat (light) Wordpress Template

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Cellar Heat wordpress template (light version) is not your typical WP design. It has 4 columns – resembles news paper classified ads. The theme has an artistic background, the header conains pages links and search function. Main content area starts with a snippet of the latest post, followed by 2 rows of snippets (4 boxes per row) of the previous posts. Footer contains all the standard wordpress menus and also supports wordpress widgets. Cellar Heat wordpress theme was designed by Evan Eckad.

Alpha News Wordpress Template

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Alpha wordpress theme is a clean and simple – pure css wp design. This is a magazine type wordpress template which is mostly white and has 4 columns. Pages menu is just below the header, followed by featured news section (your latest blog entry title and short excerpt). On the right side there is a list of “popular articles” – latest posts. Further down we have two columns of latest post snippets, and on the right of them are four placeholders for 125 x 125 pixels advertising banners. Below that, in the sidebar there is a youtube video place holder, followed by two columns of sidebar elements. Alpha news wordpress template was designed by ChiQ.

Rainbow Feather Wordpress Template

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Rainbow Feather is an amazing Web 2.0 wordpres template designed in a special way. It’s divided into three section, header is yellow and features a rainbow colored feather image along with short excerpt of your latest blog post. Followed by a blue section which has a left side sidebar with a list of latest 4 posts and “About” section. In the central area of the blue section there is your 2nd latest post. Then there is a footer red section which contains all the standard wordpress template links. Rainbow Feather Wp theme was designed by Julian Klewes.