Girly Wordpress Templates

Beauty Magazine Wordpress Template
Beauty Magazine wordpress template is a nice pink somewhat girly WP design. It is geared towards advertizing as there are quite a few ad space placeholders. Four are located just below the header – each of them accepts a small snippet of text and an image. 4 advertisment banners are placed on the right sidebar (the first of two) in dimensions 125 x 125 pixels. The header features a pink silhuette graphic of a woman. This entire wordpress skin is a mixutre of shades of pink. Everything is either pinkish or white. Top of the main content area shows the latest article, below it are excerpts of the previous posts two by two per each column. Beauty Magazine wordpress theme was designed by Themes Junction. |

Fractality Wordpress Template
Fractality wordpress template is an extremely beautiful, futuristic wp design. The header graphich is special and shows what can be described as abstract futuristic art. Pages links are located just below the header, followed by a search window. This is a 2 column wordpress theme and sidebar is located on the left side. It supports wordpress widgets (as long as you enable them in your blog’s admin). Main content area and most of the design is white. Fractality wordpress theme was designed by Lorelei. |

Pink Bird Wordpress Template
Pinkbird wordpress theme is a simple, clean and elegant wordpress design. It is really minimalist with only one image of a pink bird sitting on a curved branch. The rest of the page is pure white. This is a 3 column wordpress theme. The main content area is placed on the left side while the two sidebars are on the right. The middle sidebar is wordpress widgets compliant. Pink Bird wordpress template was designed by Randa Clay. If you’d rather change this theme to work fit in 800×600 browsers, it’s easy – just follow the directions in the Stylesheet file. Any repeating vertical background image will work with this theme. To change the background image, simply upload the image you’d like to use to the images directory of the theme. Then, find this piece of CSS near the top of the Stylesheet file: and change ‘background.gif’ to the name of the image file you’d like to use. We recommend you don’t use one that is too wide if it is very dark, as the transparency effect will cause the text in your posts to be difficult to read. |

Valentines Heart Wordpress Template
Valentines Heart wordpress theme is a beautiful white theme with a special header graphic, showing a big red heart tied with a red ribbon. Below it are a few smaller hearts and black artistic-looking leaves. Blog title and tag line are also in the header (left side). This is a 3 column wordpress template with both sidebar supporting wordpress widgets (remember to enable them). The main content area is in the middle (between both sidebars) and is white with elegant black font. The blog’s search function is located just above the main content area and is colored red. Valentines Heart wordpress template was designed by Marco Mugnaini. This theme is perfect for a love related blog, girly blog or anything having to do with Valentines day. |

Outdoorsy Wordpress Template
Outdoorsy wordpress theme features a yellow and an orrange flower in the header graphic. The entire design looks like a slightly crumbled piece of paper laying on the ground covered with moss. There is a pencil over the top left corner of the paper. Overall this is a two column wordpress template with sidebar possitioned on the right. The sidebar is wordpress widgets ready and can contain whaterver you configure in your blog’s admin area (enable widgets in the “Appearance” tab). Outdoorsy wordpress template was designed by wefunction.com |

Come My Lady Wordpress Template
Come My Lady wordpress theme is a clean and girly design. The theme is mostly white. Titles are pink and so is the header image. It shows a few pink butterflies and some plants. On the header’s right side is the theme’s title and optional description. This is is a 3 column wordpress theme probably best suitable for a girl’s blog or something cosmethics, or fashion related. There are two sidebars on the right side. The outermost sidebar supports wordpress widgets. This theme was submitted by someone who didn’t sign his name so the origin is not known. |

MyTemapertama Wordpress Template
MyTemapertama wordpress template is a simple and minimalist WP design. The background is some mixture of green and yellow and the theme has a big white-ish flower in the header. Other than that it’s all pure css and text. This is a 2 column wordpress skin with sidebar located on the right side. It supports wordpress widgets (remember to enable widgets in your blog’s admin area – under Appearance). Main content area is on the left and shows post snippets (excerpts). Links are orange while the text is black. That’s about all there is to this wp theme. MyTemapertma wordpress theme was designed by Nahrizul Adib. |

Euphoria Wordpress Template
Euphoria WordPress theme is a beautiful, pink two column WP design. It’s suitable for a woman’s blog because of the cute pink flowers the theme contains in it’s header graphic. Pages menu is located just below the header, and below that there is a search box. The blog’s sidebar is possitioned on the left side and it supports wordpress widgets. Main content area is white (black text). The blog’s sidebar contains all the standard WP sections. Euphoria wordpress template was designed by Lorelei. |

Funky Lilly Wordpress Template
Funky Lilly wordpress template is a true piece of art. This is a two column wp skin composed of central content area – which is white with dark green text, right sidebar which is dark green with white links and then a beautiful header graphic featuring a white Lilly on the left side while the blog’s title is on the right side. This wordpress theme is perfect for a girl’s blog or anything related to art, beauty, cosmetics, etc.. Funky Lilly WP skin was designed by toptut.com (probably Lorelei) |

Hello Kitty Wordpress Template
Hello Kitty is a girly pink wordpress template. It’s a 2 column theme with white main content area and pink sidebar located on the right side. The search function is on top of the sidebar while below it are all the standard wordpress menus. Header graphic contains the Hello Kitty character and two small frogs. The site is mostly pink with a touch of white here and there. Hello Kitty wordpress theme was designed by Ivan Garcia. |