Minimalist Wordpress Templates

Ambiance Wordpress Template

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Ambiance, the name itself evokes its simple meaning of air or the environment. This is an elegant looking very simple yet classy wordpress theme. The simplicity and the clarity of the theme itself brings in a charm to the theme. The theme has a very pleasing color scheme of white and baby blue. The theme has an entirely white base with a very soothing blue and white colored header. It is a fixed width two columned theme with and white background. The header comprises of a huge traditional navigational bar and then a graphical image that includes the name of the weblog. The sidebar is placed on the right side of the theme which provides direct links to the other recently posted posts and comments. The content area of the theme is vast and thus very specifically displays the content of the theme. It is Widget ready for WP2.2+ and was designed by

Viba Wordpress Template

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A very classy looking extravagant theme, Viba is a minimalistic two columned fixed width wordpress theme with a very simple header. The theme is largely white in color and comprises a huge header embracing the graphical images of beautiful black and white stones. The header also includes a black shaded margin at the upper edge of the header which in itself includes the navigational bar. The navigational bar gives a brief about the various categories of the blog. The Theme has a simple yet distinct grey based sidebar at the right side of the theme. The sidebar also comprises a search area for the users. The grey based sidebar gives a very stylish look to the entire theme. The sidebar allows you the access to the various recently posted comments and posts on the blog while the content area gives a clear display of the posts that the user wishes to read. Thus in a line, it is an extremely elegant looking theme that is perfect for your blog.

Blossoms Wordpress Template

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Blossoms Theme is a very simple theme with no images or graphical designs which thus make it a minimalistic wordpress theme. The theme has a beautiful combination of light violet color in the header that solely comprises of the traditional navigational bar that helps you to directly link to the other categories of the blog and your blogs name. This is also a two columned fixed width theme that comprises of a sidebar on the left side and a spacious content area. The content area of the theme has a white background which merges with the white backdrop of the theme. The sidebar of the theme is one shade darker than the base and thus is distinct from the base. The sidebar titles are violet in color and suit the theme very well. This minimalistic theme was designed by

Simplism Wordpress Template

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As the name suggests, Simplism is a very elegant and simple wordpress theme with a tender color scheme of blue and white color. The theme has a very decent blue header with just the graphical design of a green leaf, while the rest theme is completely white. The header also includes a traditional navigational bar that provides the users a direct link to the various categories of the blog. This is a fixed width two columned theme that embraces a sidebar at the right side of the theme and a huge content area at the center. The sidebar includes various other links to the recent posts and comments that are posted on the blog. This simple and elegant theme was designed by Makequick.

Standard Issue Wordpress Template

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Standard Issue Theme is a plain, simple minimalistic wordpress theme with no images or graphics in the header. The Theme has the color scheme of only three colors namely light green, white and blue in the entire theme. The header is very simple which displays your website name and the navigation bar. The navigation bar is indistinct from the header. It is another fixed width two columned wordpress theme that comprises of a sidebar and a spacious content area. The sidebar of the theme is also indistinct and comprises of the links to the other posts with grey colored sidebar titles. Being a minimalistic theme, the theme can be downloaded more easily as compared to the other themes due to the deficiency of images. This theme was designed by

Pure WordPress Wordpress Template

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One of the simplest yet attractive looking themes, the Pure wordpress theme is a very authentic looking striking theme. This wordpress theme has a distinctive color scheme of light blue and white color. The header of the theme is very simple with hand drawn puffy white clouds and a handmade paper plane. The Pure theme is a two columned fixed width theme that comprises of a blue colored sidebar and a plain white colored content area. The sidebar of the theme has a distinctive margin of white color and turquoise colored fonts. The links in the sidebar direct you to the other posts, articles and comments posted on the blog. The content area of the theme is large to easily adjust the posts, comments and articles. This sweet and simple looking theme was designed by

Rabbit Wordpress Template

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A simple looking yet attractive three columned white color based theme with a header at the upper right side of the theme! The header of the theme is simple and has a graphical image of a rabbit and features a distinct search area just below the image. The theme has two sidebars and one large content area for the latest updated comments, articles or posts. The content area also features a green colored traditional navigational bar that offers you links to the other categories of the website. The sidebars are completely green and pink in color with links to the other posts.