Ready for Advertisment Wordpress Templates

Division Wordpress Template

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Division wordpress template is a clean and pure css design. Main background is light gray while the content area is white. This is a 3 column wordpres template with sidebar elements stretched on top just below the header.  In the upper right corner of t he header graphic we have a 468 x 60 placeholder for an advertisment banner. Next to the main content area we have another sidebar which has 3 small banner placeholders. Both top sidebar and right sidebar support wordpress widgets. Division wordpress theme was designed by

Silent Crystal Wordpress Template

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Silent Crystal wordpress theme is a simple, minimalist and beautiful WP design. The design is mostly white and pure css. Only the header contains some graphic – gray plants, sort of an elegant, minimalistic art. On the right side of the grass there is the blog title and tagline. Above it is the pages menu. This is a 3 column wordpress skin with main content area located on the left side and two sidebars on the right. The sidebars are conjoined on top and show a menu where people can click on recent posts, recent comments and archives. Below that there are two placeholders for advertisment banners (125 x 125 pixels). The sidebars support wordpress widgets. Silent Crystal wordpress template was designed by Italiaqui.

Beauty Magazine Wordpress Template

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Beauty Magazine wordpress template is a nice pink somewhat girly WP design. It is geared towards advertizing as there are quite a few ad space placeholders. Four are located just below the header – each of them accepts a small snippet of text and an image. 4 advertisment banners are placed on the right sidebar (the first of two) in dimensions 125 x 125 pixels. The header features a pink silhuette graphic of a woman. This entire wordpress skin is a mixutre of shades of pink. Everything is either pinkish or white. Top of the main content area shows the latest article, below it are excerpts of the previous posts two by two per each column. Beauty Magazine wordpress theme was designed by Themes Junction.

Vintage Wordpress Template

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Vintage wordpress template is a cool and unique vintage design. The header graphic is filled with all sorts of stuff, like for example an old vespa scooter, some ancient books laying next to the scooter, in the center there is something resembling a flat screen tv and on the right side we have 3 small banner placeholders. Above them there is a search box. The blog’s pages links are just above the header. Overall this is a two column wordpress theme with sidbebar located on the right side. It is wordpress widgets compliant. Vintage wordpress theme was designed by Dellustrations.

The Relief in Music Wordpress Template

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The Relief in Music wordpress theme is a good looking cleand and predominantly white wordpress design. Basically there are only two colors present – it’s either white or orange. The header features an image of a microphone on the left side, and some artistic graphic on the right. There is a placeholder for google adsense or a banner in the middle. The main content area is white and located on the left while the sidebar is orange and possitioned on the right. The sidebar contains all the standard wordpress menus. Feel free to re-arrange or edit them in sidebar.php file. The theme also ends with some artistic graphic in the right side of the footer. The Relief in Music was designed by

Mystic Fire Wordpress Template

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Mystic Fire wordpress theme is a gray and green 3 column wordpress design. The header contains the title, sub title, pages buttons and some minimal artistic graphic. Followed by the main content area on the left (with great post title) and two sidebars on the right. The middle sidebar has a placeholder for google adsense advertisment banner and the right sidebar supports wordpress widgets. With wordpress widgets you can configure the sections you want to appear in the sidebar. Just login to your blog’s admin area and check “Widgets” under the Appearance tab. Mystic Fire wordpress template was designed by Rui Figueiredo.

Simple Balance Wordpress Template

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Simple Balance 2.0 wordpress theme is a beautiful and minimalistic WP design. This is a 3 column wordpress theme which is mostly white except for the blue fade-out on top of the page. The pages links are in the header aswell as blog’s title and tagline. The search function is also in the header (top right corner). All this is followed by a 468 x 60 banner ad place holder. Simple Balance wordpress template was designed by Sidebars are located on both sides of the main content area. Both sidebars are wordpress widgets compliant.  The right sidebar also holds two 124 x 125 banner ad placeholders. There is an image of a butterfly just above the left sidebar.

Aerodrome Wordpress Template

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Aerodrome wordpress theme is a nice 3 column design where the blog owner can chose among many background graphics. This wordpress template was designed by Joe Fischler.


1) Extract the zip-file on your Desktop Computer

2) Upload your aerodrome directory on your Webhosting Account into the directory /wp-content/themes/

3) Activate the Theme from your WordPress admin area, click “Appearance” and select the theme

Change the background image:

Under ‘design’ resp. ‘appearance’ you’ll find the options menu ‘change background image’. Select the background
you like most. Save options.

Custom background image:

1.) Get the image you want. Size it to 1024px height to make it fit also for larger screens.
JPG-Files with lower quality ensure fast loading times – quality doesn’t need to be too high in browsers.
File size should be under 100 KB in the end. Name it “default.jpg” and copy it to your image into the /images
folder of the theme. If you want to keep the standard default.jpg, rename it before you copy your image.

2.) Under ‘design’ resp. ‘appearance’ you’ll find the options menu ‘change background image’. Select ‘default’ and
don’t care for the preview thumbnail as it still shows the standard default image. Save options.

Placing your ads in the theme

Open sidebarleft.php and header.php and follow the instructions there

Alpha News Wordpress Template

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Alpha wordpress theme is a clean and simple – pure css wp design. This is a magazine type wordpress template which is mostly white and has 4 columns. Pages menu is just below the header, followed by featured news section (your latest blog entry title and short excerpt). On the right side there is a list of “popular articles” – latest posts. Further down we have two columns of latest post snippets, and on the right of them are four placeholders for 125 x 125 pixels advertising banners. Below that, in the sidebar there is a youtube video place holder, followed by two columns of sidebar elements. Alpha news wordpress template was designed by ChiQ.

Revolution Code Blue Wordpress Template

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Revolution Code Blue wordpress theme is a clean and simple WP design. The header background fades from dark to light blue. It contains the blog title and tagline. On the right side is a place holder for advertisment banner (468 pixels width x 60 pixels height). Above it are two RSS feed icons. Main content area is white and possitioned on the left. On the right side are two sidebars. The first one supports wordpres widgets and contains all the standard wp elements. The far right sidebar contains a list of recent posts. It would be a good location to place google adsense. Revolution Code Blue wordpress template was designed by Brian Gardner.