Ready for Advertisment Wordpress Templates

Sleek Wordpress Template

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Sleek wordpress template is a clean, dark wp design. There is no bloated graphics, just pure css wordpress skin. Background is dark grey on entire theme. Pages links are in the header – white font on green background. Sidebar is on the right side and supports wordpress widgets – it will only work when you enable widgets (log into your admin, and click on the “Appearance” tab). The search window is located just above the sidebar. Blog title and taglie are displayed in the upper left corner (header). Sleek wordpress theme was designed by Elad Domb.

Business Magazine Wordpress Template

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Business Magazine wordpress template is well suited for a large blog with a lot of content.  This is a two column wp theme with a twist. It’s ready for advertisment banners and google adwords. The main content is interrupted by a menu containing the “About” section, featured posts and google adsense ads, after that the main content continues. Sidebar is located on the right side and supports wordpress widgets. Header is blue and shows an icon of a briefcase. There are also some google ads in the header itself – so basically this wordpress theme is full of ads which can easily be modified to your code. Business Magazine wordpress theme was designed by

Massive News Wordpress Template

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Massive News wordpress theme is best suited for a magazine type blog. This wp template is full of placeholders for advertisment banners so you can easily edit and put in your own. Massive News wordpress template comes with some plugins included so make sure you put them in your blog’s plugin directory and activate.

How to Edit the Ads

Different Files have been created to make changing ads through FTP userfriendly. All the files can be found in MassiveNews –> ads. Place your ad codes between the opening and closing Div Tags.

How to Add Author Image & Profile

Go to Wp-Admin–>Users–>Profile. Upload Image and add Profile details in biography.

How do the Author Links Appear on sidebar

Go to Wp-admin–>Appearance–>Widgets–>Sidebar2

Create a new Text widget and name it Author List: Staff . Write author login name. Sperate multiple authors with comma and no space (Please make sure you are using the Login Name)

Revenue Sharing

Go to Wp-Admin–>Users–>Profile. At the end of the page there are boxes for every Author to enter his/her Ad Codes.


Go to Wp-Admin–>Post. Place the image code inside the “Excerpt” box in the following format

 <img src=”” alt=”Imagename” />
Image dimensions should be 140 x 140

Arthemia Wordpress Template

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Arthemia wordpress template is a clean and minimalistic wp skin. It is mostly white, with black header which includes pages links. The blog’s search function is located in the top right corner. Main content area is on the left side, while the wp theme’s only sidebar is on the right. The sidebar is widgets enabled. Footer also contains the recent comments, recent posts and a spare possition for whatever you want to put there. Arthemia wordpress theme was designed by Michael Jubel.

Facebook Wordpress Template

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Facebook wordpress theme design is sort of a replica of facebook community site. It’s a simple, clean and mostly white wp design with pages links in the header in white color on a blue background. The search function is also up there in the top right corner. This is a 3 column wordpress theme with main content area on the left, wordpress widgets supporting sidebar in the middle and advertisment placeholder sidebar on the far right. Facebook wordpress template was designed by

WP Vision Wordpress Template

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WPVision word is a wordpress theme which slightly resembles the old design. It has a vibrant blue background with shades of dark. Main content area is grayish – baby blue. This is a 2 column wp theme and the sidebar is possitioned on the right side. It is is “widgitized” and contains the tag cloud, place holders for 4 images or flash animations. The sidebar also contains buttons to all sorts of online communities. WP Vision wordpress theme was designed by