Real Estate Wordpress Templates

Brown House Wordpress Template

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Brown House wordpress theme is a perfect design for a realestate agency web site or someone who is into house building, decorating, exterior decorating, etc. Also the template would be well suited for a vacation rentals blog. This is a 3 column wp theme with sidebars on both sides. The left sidebar supports wordpress widgets the right one displays your blogroll and archive. Main content area (in the middle) has white text and brown background. The header graphic features a big luxury and modern house.  Brown House wordpress template was submitted by an anonymous so we don’t know who the original designer is.

Real Estate 4 Wordpress Template

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A truly elegant looking wordpress theme made entirely with the most soothing colors. It is a theme made by a proper blend of white and light grey color. The theme has a distinct header that most primarily focuses on real estate and the housing sector. The header also features a traditional navigation bar with rounded edges. This is a two columned fixed width theme that has a pleasant content area for the display of the updated articles or posts written to the website regularly. The post titles in the content area are blue colored with rounded edges. The sidebar features a distinct search area and also provides links to the other pages.

Real Estate 3 Wordpress Template

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A classic looking, well designed attractive wordpress theme with all the basic requirements. This wordpress theme has a fine looking header that focuses primarily on real estate and housing issues. The header includes with itself a traditional navigation bar that directly links to the other categories. The theme is a fixed width, two columned wordpress theme. The header, content area and the sidebar of the theme features rounded corners which gives it a variant look. The content area hosts the round edged post titles which will put up the daily posts written for the website. The side bar provides links the theme with the other pages.

Real Estate 2 Wordpress Template

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This is a very attractive looking green-blue wordpress theme. The theme has a prominent and attractive looking header with sharp edges. This wordpress theme has a traditional navigation bar just below the header that links with the other pages. It is a fixed width two columned theme. The sidebar, content area and the post titles of the theme have the rounded edges. The theme has a clean and distinct sidebar with various links to the other contents. The content area hosts a beautiful comments section that puts up the regular comments posted for your sites.

I-Villa Wordpress Template

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I-Villa is an orange/white wordpress theme featuring a modern dining room in it’s header graphics. It has 3 columns of which the middle is ready for advertisment images. I-Villa was desigI-Villa, as the name suggests is an elegant looking wordpress theme that focuses by and large on the real estates and interior decoration related websites. The theme comprises of an orange colored background with cross lining pattern which is very eye-catching. This is more specifically a three columned fixed width theme. The header of the theme is very attractive due to the perfect color scheme comprising of the red base and a fashionable dining hall which makes it perfect for an interior based website. The content area of the theme has a white base and is large which displays the latest updated posts while the left sidebar displays the various links to the other posts. The second sidebar is specially created for advertisements. The sidebars have grey colored sidebar titles with sharp edges. This elegant looking theme was designed by ned by

Harmonic Divergence Wordpress Template

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Designed by, this charismatic and alluring website has an attractive looking header featuring a very striking well designed apartment. The theme is made on a grey base with various shades of grey used all through the theme. This is a Google Ad-sense created two columned fixed width wordpress theme simply appropriate for any interior designing related or real estate blog. The theme has a large content area and a distinct sidebar with sharp edges. The content area of the theme displays the latest updated posts, comments or articles, while darker grey colored sidebar displays the links for the various other posts posted to the website. The sidebar title has a dark grey colored pattern that distinguishes it from the rest of the theme.