Widgets Wordpress Templates
Wealth of Nature Wordpress Template
Weath of Nature wordpress template is a somewhat artistic theme. If features a drawing of an abstract tree in the header graphic. In the center of it is the blog’s title and tagline. Other than that, this is a simple two column wordpress theme. Sidebar is located on the right side and it supports wordpress widgets. Main content area is on the left. The entire theme is brown-yellowish colored. Wealth of nature wordpress theme was designed by Webhostinggeeks.com |
Revolution Code Blue Wordpress Template
Revolution Code Blue wordpress theme is a clean and simple WP design. The header background fades from dark to light blue. It contains the blog title and tagline. On the right side is a place holder for advertisment banner (468 pixels width x 60 pixels height). Above it are two RSS feed icons. Main content area is white and possitioned on the left. On the right side are two sidebars. The first one supports wordpres widgets and contains all the standard wp elements. The far right sidebar contains a list of recent posts. It would be a good location to place google adsense. Revolution Code Blue wordpress template was designed by Brian Gardner. |
Simple Blue Wordpress Template
Simple Blue wordpress theme is just what the name says – a very simple and minimalistic, 3 column wordpress template. Header is shiny blue and that’s about the only graphic there is in this design. The rest is pure css. Pages links are in the header, main content area is white and possitioned on the far left. On the right side are two wordpress sidebars. The middle one contains WP widgets while the outermost shows the Meta section. Simplest Blue wordpress template was designed by SimplyWP.net and is best suited for a blogger who likes it clean and simple. |
Photography Bliss Wordpress Template
Photography Bliss wordpress template is a beautiful artistic black and white theme. This is a three column wp design in which the main content area is in the middle. The left sidebar supports wordpress widgets while the right sidebar contains the search function, RSS freed icon and Blog Roll. The header features a beautiful black and white image of a park with white trees visible in the background and a street lamp in front. The pages buttons are just below the header image. Photography Bliss wordpress theme was designed by Qualitywordpress.com |
Euphoria Wordpress Template
Euphoria WordPress theme is a beautiful, pink two column WP design. It’s suitable for a woman’s blog because of the cute pink flowers the theme contains in it’s header graphic. Pages menu is located just below the header, and below that there is a search box. The blog’s sidebar is possitioned on the left side and it supports wordpress widgets. Main content area is white (black text). The blog’s sidebar contains all the standard WP sections. Euphoria wordpress template was designed by Lorelei. |
iTheme Wordpress Template
iTheme wordpress template is a clean and elegant blog design. This is a 2 column wp theme with main content area located on the left and sidebar on the right. The sidebar supports wordpress widgets (so remember to enable them in your blog’s admin area – under Appearance tab). The sidebar elements can be switched by a simple mouse drag and drop which is a very nice feature. Any visitor can rearange the sidebar. Header and background graphic contain some elegant curves. The blog’s search function in in the top right corner. iTheme wordpress theme was designed by N.Design Studio. |
Sleek Wordpress Template
Sleek wordpress template is a clean, dark wp design. There is no bloated graphics, just pure css wordpress skin. Background is dark grey on entire theme. Pages links are in the header – white font on green background. Sidebar is on the right side and supports wordpress widgets – it will only work when you enable widgets (log into your admin, and click on the “Appearance” tab). The search window is located just above the sidebar. Blog title and taglie are displayed in the upper left corner (header). Sleek wordpress theme was designed by Elad Domb. |
Blue Sky Wordpress Template
Blue Sky wordpress template is a beautiful nature oriented wp design. The theme’s header graphic shows a panoramic view of green grass with mild hills and blue sky with some clouds. The background is green while main content area is blue (white text on blue background). Sidebar is on the right side and it supports wordpress widgets. Pages menu is just below the header. Blue Sky wordpress theme was designed by Wptown.com Note: Enable wordpress widgets in your blog’s admin area. Log in and see “Appearance” tab on the left sidebar. |
Mouse IT Wordpress Template
Mouse IT wordpress theme is a nice and clean two column WP template which is perfect for an IT or computer hardware (or even software) related blog or web site. The main content area is white while the sidebar is baby blue and located on the left side. The sidebar supports wordpress widgets – you just need to enable them in your wordpress admin area (see under Appearance tab). Pages links are located just under the header graphic. Above the sidebar (in header) is an image of a computer mouse with the cord stretching to the right all over header. Mouse IT wordpress template was designed by Templatelite.com |
Plain Simple Wordpress Template
Plain Simple wordpress template is a nice minimalist wp design. The header is red and contains the blog’s title, heading, pages menu and search function on the right side. Main content area is white with elegant small font. This is a 3 column wordpress theme with both sidebars placed on the right side. The middle sidebar supports wodpress widgets while the outermost sidebar contains a placeholder for advertisment banner. Above both sidebars there is an option to subscribe to your blog’s rss feeds. Plain Simple wordpress theme was designed by Elad Domb. |