TSOA Wordpress Theme

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The Sense of Adventure is a neat blue colored wordpress theme. The theme has a big and attractive header with a graphical design of a blue cargo ship hovering over a watery base in the header that fits perfectly with the name of the theme. The theme has a light blue shaded base with a dark blue header which blends perfectly with the backdrop. It is a simple fixed width two columned theme, comprising of a side bar and a large spacious content area. The side bar of the theme has a white base that contrasts with the blue base of the theme. The sidebar titles of the theme contain two shades of blue color and stand distinctly in the theme. The sidebar has links to the other recently posted posts while the content area of the theme, displays the latest posts, comments or articles posted over the blog. The header makes the theme perfect for the shipping industry related websites or the cruising blogs. This adventurous theme was designed by Web Hosting Geeks.